What does your cleaning service include?

Bedroom, living room and common areas
  • Vacuuming & washing floors
  • Removal of dust and cleaning of all visible surfaces
  • Cleaning of all mirrors and glass frames
  • Elimination of rubbish and separate waste collection|| |24
  • Verranno rifatti i letti
  • please note that sheets will only be changed upon request
Bathroom and toilets
  • Vacuum cleaning & floor washing|| |33
  • Rimozione della polvere & pulizia di tutte le superfici visibili
  • Cleaning of all mirrors and glass lamps
  • Elimination of rubbish and separate waste collection
  • Lavaggio e disinfezione di servizi igienici, lavandini, docce e vasche da bagno
  • Vacuuming & washing all floors
  • Loading the dishwasher or washing of dishes
  • Cleaning the sink, taps, and all visible surfaces
  • Cleaning the external parts of the stove, stove, oven and refrigerator
  • Eliminating rubbish and separate waste collection
Extra services

For more thorough cleaning, you can choose one or more extra cleanings. Each extra cleaning adds an extra 30 minutes to 1 hour to your reservation. For safety and legal reasons, Batmaid cannot offer the following services: exterior window cleaning, exterior cleaning, deep stain removal, insect or mold removal.